Dying with Dignity Rally

Rally 2

Celebrations as the Joint Select Committee on End of Life Choices recommends the introduction of voluntary assisted dying legislation

Hundreds of supporters rallied outside Parliament House on Thursday 23 August 2018 to hear the recommendations from the Joint Select Committee on End of Life Choices. The cross-party parliamentary committee has recommended the WA Government legalise voluntary assisted dying for people 'experiencing grievous and irremediable suffering related to an advanced and progressive terminal, chronic or neurodegenerative condition that cannot be alleviated in a manner acceptable to that person, where death is a reasonably foreseeable outcome of the condition.' 

The recommendation calling for assisted dying to be legalised was backed by MPs from Labor, the Greens, the Liberals and the Nationals and could pave the way for a bill to be brought to State Parliament as early as next year.

Committee chair, Amber-Jade Sanderson said how we die has changed over the last 60 years and medicine and the law have not kept pace with this change, nor with changes in community expectations. The Committee believes the community is ready for change.

“The committee concludes that the current lawful options available to people experiencing grievous and irremediable suffering at end of life are inadequate and can be exceptionally difficult for the dying person and for their family and friends,” she said.

Premier Mark McGowan has refused to comment on the recommendations at this stage, saying instead that Cabinet would consider it.

The full Report of the Joint Select Committee on End Of Life Choices can be viewed here.