FACT: The WA Government through the Deputy Premier and Minister for Health, Roger Cook, has clearly stated its support for the recommendations in the ‘My Life, My Choice’ report calling for more resourcing for the palliative care sector in WA.
The End of Life Choices cross-party Parliamentary Committee’s ‘My Life, My Choice’ report made 12 recommendations relating to end-of-life and palliative care. These recommendations cover a number of matters:
- Palliative care service provision across WA;
- Palliative care service models and funding;
- End-of-life and palliative care policy and governance; and
- End-of-life and palliative care education for health professionals and the community.
The WA Government’s response to the ‘My Life, My Choice’ recommendations was to support all recommendations relating to palliative care, noting dependencies. This means the general principles of the recommendation are supported and further work is required to confirm dependencies and implementation (e.g. resources).
In the Deputy Premier and Minister for Health’s media statement released Monday 12 November 2018, it states:
“While research shows the majority of Western Australians support voluntary assisted dying, the McGowan Government remains wholly committed to ensuring that Western Australians have access to high-quality palliative care, and it supports people of all ages with a life-limiting or terminal illness live their lives as fully and as comfortably as possible.
With an ever-growing and ageing population, a renewed focus on palliative care and advanced care planning, including legally binding directives, is vital.
The Department of Health has recently released the 'WA End-of-Life and Palliative Care Strategy 2018-2028' which outlines the Government's strategic policy direction.
It provides a 10-year vision for improving the lives of all Western Australians through quality end-of-life and palliative care.”
To quote the Minister for Health directly: "The McGowan Government is committed to ensuring that Western Australians have access to high-quality end-of-life and palliative care.”
The WA Government’s full response can be found here.