DWDWA's final workshop for 2020 was held on 18 November. At the workshop Dr Scott Blackwell, Chair of the VAD Implementation Leadership Team (ILT), gave a wide-ranging and informative talk about the work of the ILT, including the progress being made toward the Voluntary Assisted Dying Act 2019 becoming effective on 1 July 2021.
This information can be found here - Communique December 2020.
In summary the communique covers:
- A message from Dr Scott Blackwell
- The key dates to implementation on 1 July 2021
- A progress update on key implementation projects, including the care navigator service that will be fundamental to the effective operation of the Act
- Important information for health practitioners wishing to participate in voluntary assisted dying, including links to the webinars and other resources
- Information about the implementation conference to be held in June 2021
- Useful resources for health practitioners and the general community, including fact sheets (some of which are available in audio format).
If you would like to receive future editions of the ILT communique, please subscribe here.
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