At this stage in the campaign, your local MP may be unsure as to whether or not they will support a voluntary assisted dying bill, if one is introduced later this year. However, it is not too early to ask them if they support the principle of dying with dignity and assisted dying legislation. If MPs start hearing from supporters, like you, especially if you have a personal experience to share, the more likely they are to consider this issue seriously and hopefully speak for the constituents they represent.
Personal letters to local members of Parliament
We believe the best method to persuade WA MPs to support an assisted dying bill are handwritten letters from constituents. MPs are answerable to their electorates and we must let them know how we feel on this issue. Please be sure to use a respectful tone whilst explaining the reasons why you support the assisted dying. Personal stories are very powerful.
Request a meeting with your local members of Parliament
You may also consider requesting a meeting with your local MP to discuss the issue of assisted dying and tell them your personal story.
Write to your local newspaper
Help us spread the word by contacting your local newspaper and asking them to write a story on voluntary assisted dying. You can always write letters to the editor on the issue. We know local MP's take an interest in what is reported in local newspapers, so this is another way to influence them.
Donate to DWDWA
This is the most important time in the history of DWDWA. The Parliamentary Inquiry into End of Life Choices is underway and we need to build up our resources ready to campaign effectively when a VAD Bill is introduced. All donations, no matter how small, are very welcome.
At present to make a donation, please use one of the payment methods listed below.
- Do an electronic funds transfer to: DWDWA - BSB: 306-061, Account number: 4198239. Please include name when depositing. Please contact us if your require a receipt.
- Mail a cheque to: Dying With Dignity WA (Inc), PO Box 7243, Cloisters Square, Perth WA 6850